Category Archives: Health

Asthma action plans are one of the most effective asthma interventions available.

Asthma action plans are one of the most effective asthma interventions available.

Use of an asthma action plan:

– reduces absences from work or school

– reduces hospital admissions

– reduces emergency visits to general practice

– reduces reliever medication use

– improves lung function.

Please contact reception to make a booking to discuss your Asthma.

Action Plan and read further information here:


MyMedicare is a new voluntary patient registration model.  It aims to formalise the relationship between patients, their general practice, general practitioner and primary care teams.  Further information can be found here and registration forms are available at reception.    

Shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine update

Shingles (also called herpes zoster) is the disease caused when the chickenpox virus reactivates. Shingles can cause severe pain that can last for months. Changes to the shingles vaccine available under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) came into effect from 1 November 2023. The shingles vaccine Shingrix has replaced Zostavax on the NIP.

For more information click here and contact reception to make on appointment (02) 6281 5060.